Welcome to the george white photography blog!

This blog contains all the latest news and what's hot and what's not from george white photography.
At our studio on the Old Shoreham Road, Hove (near Brighton) we love to photograph all types of Portraits including Mums to be, Babies, Children, Family, Pets, Couples, Elegant Beauty and Boudoir.
Out of the studio we cover Weddings generally in, but not limited to, the Sussex (both East and West) and surrounding counties, Hampshire, Surrey & Kent and Events like Graduation Balls, Dinner and Dances, Charity Balls etc. with instant printing (events only) available

Here are some useful links to find out further information about our services

george white photography main page
Portrait information
Wedding information
Events information
Portrait gallery
Wedding gallery

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and looking at the photos, but remember they are my copyright so please don't link to, copy, print or download them without my specific permission in writing...

Thank you

Thursday, 30 July 2009


Wow, wasn't the weather wierd today in Brighton & Hove. One minute it was really sunny, the next the rain was so hard it hurt!
Then it did it again!!!

One poor lady, who was coming in for a passport of her 4 month old baby, phoned and cancelled as she was trapped in her car across the road and didn't think she could make it...
Then the weather changed, she popped in just before we closed, and we got a great photo.

I have a wedding to photograph tomorrow (Friday) at Herstmonceux Castle (one of my favourite Sussex locations) so I will definately have a plan 'B' just in case, but it would be kind of cool to get some great 'weather' shots as well, just not all day!


Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Passport Photographs

Our first customer today was for passport photographs, who said it was worth spending a little extra to have peace of mind that they were correct.

Our youngest passport photo taken to date was just 3 days old and our oldest 103 (and going to USA!)

It's not just about getting the photo, it's a complete service from the moment we say hello, taking the photographs (where we are in no rush and the photos are looked at before printing), cutting the photos to the passport approved size, ensuring every customer leaves having enjoyed their passport experience.

Why dread sorting out your passport photos, when we can make it easy for you.......


Friday, 24 July 2009

Busy week for portraits

Wow! It's been so busy the last couple of days, I've not had time to post anything...

Lots of portrait sessions including Jane who was in for some Mum to be shots with her partner Mark, we got some great photographs I can't wait to show them...

We also photographed Shauna, who has just graduated, with her boyfriend and family. It's always lovely to see how proud everyone is when they have graduation shots done, well done Shauna!

Hopefully I will get some time (I love being busy ;) ) to put up a few of the photo's when they have seen them


Tuesday, 21 July 2009


Some shots from a couple of recent weddings...


Saturday, 18 July 2009

St James Nursery, North Lancing

In the post this morning we received a lovely letter from Marion, Chairperson at St James Nursery, North Lancing saying that they hoped they had raised approximately £650!

She also thanked us for our donation.

I think we should thank everyone who helps on all committees, for schools, nurseries and playgroups, it's hard work raising money for the 'extras' that make life so much more enjoyable for the children, especially in these difficult times.

We are always happy to help...


Friday, 17 July 2009

One from last year

We have just had a re-order, from the Brides Mum, for this photograph. I think it's great fun...

We don't tend to do so many garter shots now, but we will if asked!


Thursday, 16 July 2009

Why use a professional wedding photographer

I had an interesting conversation with Peter who was advising me on advertising in two wedding dress brochures (both companies had requested me to be in their brochures) one for Opulence and Grace in Worthing, the other for Patricia Diamond in Shoreham.

We were talking about why you would want to hire a professional photographer and how would I convey that in an advert. I said that in the past I have had quite a few brides come in to the studio asking if there was anything I could do to improve their wedding photographs that had been taken by friends or part time photographers (which, unfortunately, there is not usually much that can be done).

He said "The dress is for a day, venue is for a day, cars are for a day, cake is for a day but the Photographs are for a lifetime..."

How true...


Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Pet Photography

I was just going through some of my pet photographs and came across this gorgeous shot of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Look at those eyes!


Saturday, 11 July 2009


Although we are already busy with weddings this year, we do have the odd day available this year (and we are booking fast for next), if you are still looking for a photographer, or have decided not to trust such a big day to a friend, check out our Wedding page and Photographs at www.gwhitephoto.co.uk/weddings

Just a shame about todays weather...


Thursday, 9 July 2009

A Thank You

Just received a thank you email from Sharon who organised an event for the Worthing Mayor's Charities at Bryce's Seafood Brasserie...

"Thank you so much for the raffle prize for last night's event. We had a wonderful evening and raised lots of money for the Mayor's charities.
Best wishes,

We are always pleased to help and I'm glad the evening went well!


Mum to be

I came across this photograph as I was putting it in a mount and thought it was a great 'First' photograph of their new baby...


Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Thank you

Just received a lovely email From Lucy who arranged for us to be at the Beddingam Ball...

"The pictures are wonderful, many thanks for your efforts on the night. I hope that those people who had their picture taken who didn't purchase on the night do visit your site!

I will definitely recommend you to others who need a photographer, the pictures really are stunning."

Thank you Lucy your kind words are very much apreciated

Cottesmore St. Mary's Summer Fair

Martine, from Cottesmore St. Mary's School PTA, has just dropped off a programme for their Summer Fair, on Saturday 11th July, 12 - 3pm.

We are helping them out by donating prizes for the raffle and advertising in the programme (page 5!), it looks great - one of the best school programmes we have seen, so well done to them...

We always try to help with local schools and nurseries etc., I was actually on my Son's PTA for nearly 3 years and I know how hard it is to organise and get sponsorship from local businesses.

Good luck with raising as much money as you can!

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Great Wedding shot

George just showed me this photo, and I thought it looks great.

What do you think?


Monday, 6 July 2009

Models WANTED!

I'm looking for some ladies who would like to have their photographs taken in the Boudoir style, and don't mind me using the results for advertising. Although we do a lot of photography, because this is a little personal, not everyone wishes to have themselves appear in adverts or on my web site.
If this is for you, please call me at the studio during normal working hours and I will book you in for FREE and give you a 10"x8" folder print as well...

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Welcome to our new blog...

First main post on this new blog site...

Wow what a busy week it's been... Loads of portraits and viewings this week, most memorable a great session with Lisa on Friday for Boudoir photography, I know I got some great shots, and once I've shown them to her (and got her permission) I will add some to the blog...

Saturday was a very busy day started with a slightly unusual event, photographing a local schools summer fayre. They had a Darth Vader character with which we planned to take photographs of the children, slight oversight on the fact that most of them were too scarred to get near him ;) really should have seen that one coming, but it sounded like a good idea at the time... We did a similar day two years ago which went very well, that time they had a teddy bear costume, much more cuddly for infants!

Still a great day though and lots of parents came up to us and talked about having portrait sessions.

Later that day we went out to Beddingham, near Lewes to a field with a marquee and set up for an evening event for a charity ball, in aid of moving the local vicars organ... Seriously, apparently the organ is surrounded by asbestos and needs to be moved while it is cleared. Any additional money is to be split with two other charities.
A great evening with some great shots using the superb background of the South Downs and of course some great people.
Also got some superb photographs of the sunset through the trees, bliss...

Boudoir Photography

View our latest Boudoir Photographs on our web site